Quality Factor


The Elqui Valley and Alcohuaz in particular have both special geographic, geological and climate conditions, ideal for producing quality wines, true to their place of origin. It is a high mountain area with plenty of light, clear skies and important temperature fluctuation between day and night.

Great part of Alcohuaz’ lands are slopes, with soils of intrusive geological origin, mainly granite at different stages of alteration according to the area´s morphology.

In areas of concave morphology, water accumulation in the past was greater, producing deeper, wash-out and fertile soils. On the other hand, convex areas or steeper slopes have no direct contact with water and they have managed to survive in their rock state, generating shallow soils, but with rocks that retain moisture, that irrigates roots.

At Alcohuaz, we were able to detect areas with best winemaking conditions by studying granite state of alteration, the amount of clay it can produce and quartz levels. Thus, the best Syrah parcels are located in soils that have abundant quartz components and with medium clays.

The first planting attempts at Alcohuaz were Cabernet Sauvignon and Carmenère, grapes that failed to grow properly. Finally, Mediterranean varieties such as Syrah and Grenache were the best to adapt to conditions described.